How to create a CAD in ZEISS INSPECT

With the latest software release of 2023 come a variety of new and helpful features for 3D scanning. For example, in ZEISS INSPECT, creating a CAD out of a mesh is now possible via the surfacing function.
ZEISS INSPECT software visual

Why do I need a CAD for 3D printing?

When you work with 3D prints, they are usually highly individual and characterized by customizations. However, in order to make further changes to the part or to archive a specific 3D print for future projects, CAD models are essential in order to efficiently implement tasks as desired.


You are currently working on a 3D printing task, and you are missing one of the most important components for a successful project: the CAD model? Don’t worry, with the ZEISS INSPECT software release of 2023 comes a quick fix for this common problem.

Until now, it was very time-consuming to create a CAD from 3D data. This usually had to be carried out in a separate software and was therefore not only a slower process, but also required the purchase of a second software solution.
The current version of ZEISS INSPECT solves this problem as if by itself. The inspection software is increasingly becoming an all-in-one solution and now also offers the surfacing function with which you can easily create the CAD on the 3D scan.

Polygonized mesh of small figurine
Fig.1: 3D scan of figurine
Color plot on small figurine
Fig. 2: Mesh of figurine
CAD of small figurine
Fig. 3: CAD of figurine

CAD surfacing for different applications

You are not working with 3D prints but are looking for an easy way to create CAD data for other projects?
We have good news: ZEISS INSPECT software supports nearly every application and thus delivers CAD for your task. Whether you are working with casted parts, components made from plastic or other materials – just scan the part and let ZEISS INSPECT guide you through the process of fast CAD data generation.

To learn more about the function, watch the new How-to with application engineer Luca: 


Want to know more about your possibilities with ZEISS INSPECT?
Visit our website for more details on all available software functions.

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