3D scan the worlds largest ship propellers with T-SCAN hawk

Are you ready for some quality control of the largest ship propellers worldwide? MMG makes 3D metrology in heavy metal casting tangible.

Foundry has a long tradition at MMG. For 150 years the employees work for improved and high quality metal casting.

Since the separation of Germany in the late 40s, the company focused ship propellers and thus served ship manufacturers in the east of the country as a reliable supplier of the massive components. 

Quality work under construction

Metal technology impresses with freedom of construction and thus a high variety of parts and geometries.
Living productions, like the one at MMG, benefit from mobile equipment when supporting the large spectrum of tasks. 
Same applies to the measurement systems in order to check the gigantic dimensions and meet the high quality demands. 
T-SCAN hawk is the solution which comes into play here. The hand-held scanner aids in the quality control of the entire production process.

Get to know T-SCAN hawk

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