Semplici passi verso il CAD
Generate il vostro modello CAD con ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING

Dalla scansione 3D al modello CAD con ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING
Cercate una soluzione software che renda il reverse engineering molto più semplice?
ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING è pronto a portare i vostri dati al livello successivo. Scansionate le vostre parti con ZEISS INSPECT o qualsiasi altro software e importate i formati STL, PLY e ASCII in ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. Bastano pochi passaggi ben guidati per ottenere un modello CAD di alta precisione che può essere esportato in formati CAD standard come IGES, STEP o SAT. Qualunque sia il vostro compito di reverse engineering: raggiungetelo in modo facile e veloce.
Un potente software per il reverse engineering

Un flusso di lavoro guidato
ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING semplifica la generazione di un modello CAD a partire da dati di scansione come mesh poligonali o nuvole di punti e guida l’utente passo dopo passo attraverso il flusso di lavoro.

Alta precisione
ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING fornisce superfici CAD con la massima precisione. Questo è essenziale se si vogliono produrre parti in plastica con requisiti di precisione molto elevati.

Funzioni efficaci
Preparate i dati con funzioni come il riempimento dei buchi e l’appiattimento, procedete con funzioni come il best fit dinamico o l’estrusione.
Ottenete il vostro CAD model, qualunque sia la forma
Scan to CAD for geometrical part
Follow Josh’s instructions to scanning a geometrical part and transforming it into a CAD model using ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING and the GOM Scan 1. First, he scans a symmetrical part and cuts it in half. Then, he creates basic elements of the part with planes from the mesh. Next, he creates a body from these elements and add details. Finally, he mirrors the part – and has a perfect CAD model of the part.
Parti geometriche
Reverse Engineering per forme geometriche? Esportate la vostra mesh in ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING e iniziate a creare, combinare, estrarre e regolare. In questo modo avrete il controllo dell’intero processo e potrete generare esattamente il risultato che desiderate.
Superfici a forma libera
ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING offre diverse funzionalità per ottenere la massima precisione per le superfici a forma libera. Per convertire la vostra mesh, utilizzate ad esempio “Approssimazione di superficie a punti”. Successivamente, il software vi guida passo dopo passo fino alla creazione dello stampo.
Scan to CAD for freeform part
Discover how Josh uses the software ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING to create a mold for a freeform shaped part. First, he creates a freeform surface of an already scanned part. Then, he creates a solid cube around the part. Finally, he subtracts the freeform surface from the cube to create the final mold.
Scan to CAD for organic shaped part
Watch Josh as he turns the scan of a highly detailed, organic shaped miniature figurine into a CAD model using the software ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. First, he cleans up the mesh, closes holes and removes unwanted features. Then he simply exports the mesh to ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. The result: a perfect CAD model, that follows the natural shape of the part.
Forme organiche
Se volete creare un modello CAD per una parte con una forma organica o se volete continuare a fare reverse engineering, progettare e modellare con un CAD, vi basteranno pochi clic per arrivarci. Date un’occhiata al video.
Il modo più semplice per ottenere un modello CAD ad alta precisione
Come trasformare le scansioni 3D in modelli CAD
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Please select the topic you seek more information aboutNew Sketching function in ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING
Looking for an easy way to get more control over your reverse engineered models? With the new sketching function in ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING, creating CAD models is easier than ever. Your benefit: fully dimensioned and constrained CAD from scan data.
Do you have any questions about ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING? Contact us via
ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING: How to create a CAD file out of manually modelled parts
Looking for an easy way to create a CAD out of your individually modelled part? Let Matt show you how! With the help of the ATOS Q and the ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING software the part gets digitized and undergoes step by step virtual modeling. Helpful features support the process to enable fast and intuitive work.
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
Got any questions on 3D scanning? Contact us via
Take it from Josh: Importing data into ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING is just as easy as importing it into ZEISS INSPECT. If ou’re already using ZEISS INSPECT, simply export into ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. Alternatively, you can drag and drop files from your file explorer or use the import option as the top of ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. Want to know which file types are supported? Simply take a look at the user guide.
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
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ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING: Edit and align meshes
Let Josh show you how to align and edit your mesh in ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. Step 1: Align your mesh with the “best fit via three planes” function to review your part in an intuitive manner. Step 2: Edit your mesh by closing small holes with the “fill holes in mesh automatically” function. Now you have a fully closed and aligned mesh without any unwanted data – and you’re ready to start the reverse engineering process.
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
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In this video, Josh lets you in on some handy tips and tricks to help you get started even faster with ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. Learn how to bookmark your favorite functions. Discover how the transparency tool can help you get a better look at specific elements. Learn about how the snapshot tool makes it easy for you to create images for reports. Start using the “fit to screen” icon to get a better view of your part. And minimize clicks by looking at the shortcut list in the user guide.
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
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ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING: Software user interface
In this video, Josh provides a quick overview of the ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING software user interface and shows you how to set up and start using the software. He covers the basics, including the software settings, the workspaces and some additional functionalities. Watch it and get started!
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
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ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING: Most common functions
Discover the most common functions of ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. In first place: the “extract surfaces from parts” function, which leads directly to the “extract solid body” function – two powerful tools, especially for geometry-based parts. Second place: the creation of symmetric parts. Third place: the creation of freeform surfaces. And last but not least: the analysis function of your parts. Let Josh show you what’s what.
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
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ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING: How to transform your 3D scans into CAD models
Meet Josh and let him show you how to transform your 3D scans into CAD models using the software ZEISS REVERSE ENGINEERING. Wether you want to reverse engineer a geometrical part, a freeform shaped part or an organic shaped part – Josh gives you a quick introduction to each task, from scanning to obtaining a CAD model.
All functions shown are available in the current software version.
Got any questions on 3D scanning? Contact us via
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