From motor cross to retrofit for steel colossi

Stahlotec developed from a typical craftsman to a company which focuses on sustainability. How the retrofit of steel became the hobby horse you get to see here.

Sustainability in the steel industry

In its work with steel, the company is constantly generating new ideas. In a close exchange among employees, it became clear how much scrap is generated during production.

Sustainability is therefore becoming more and more important. The goal: the retrofit of old and damaged parts. Restored, these can be actively used again.


Millimeter by millimeter towards retrofit

The T-SCAN hawk helps when precision work is required. Even 3 – 4mm of wear will cause the scrap. The 3D measurement technology records the actual condition of the old part and replaces the manual marking of the wear. The sustainable approach can thus be followed simplified.


Want to know more?

Watch the whole story of Stahlotec and their usage of 3D metrology here.

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