The De-Warp software App can compensate warpage and shrinkage of plastic parts virtually. With one single click you can put scanned plastic parts into a virtually assembled stage without any mechanical fixtures. With this feature, you can also very easily switch between the two states unclamped and clamped to compare their dimension.
De-Warp: a new level of...

Quality Control
Be able to switch between two results (unclamped/clamped) with only one complete measurement and compare them to the CAD model. A correct evaluation of your part was never easier!

De-Warp virtually assembles your part, therefore you don’t need an actual fixture. It allows you to check whether the part dimensions are within tolerance in the subsequent assembly.

Time Saving
Getting all results you need with only one measurement, De-Warp will save you a lot of time and money. And nerves.
De-Warp functions: How it works
More powerful ZEISS INSPECT (pro version)
(pro version)
(pro version)
Edit Projects
CAD Import
Mesh Editing
3D Inspection
How to Eliminate the Warpage of Plastic Parts
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